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Massive planned cyberattacks coming soon.
Internet, TV networks, and media will be shut down, weather news reports are down so planes can’t fly, ships are kept in the sea and can’t enter ports, global electricity power outage and the shutdown of the current corrupt financial system at the same time.
The nuclear power plants will be targeted by cyberattacks from CCP and other countries. This will trigger a nuclear war emergency alert.
(EBS) Emergency Broadcast System will be activated and will initiate Global Martial law. The military will be all over the cities worldwide for our security. They will provide food, water, and help for everyone in need. This is the biggest military cover operation in human history.
It’s all kept secret. The media don’t report anything to alarm the population.
Project Odin, Starlink New Internet 2.0 will be activated and available to all for free access.
The revelations of truths will be shown on this free uncensored platform. This will be the 10 days of darkness we are waiting for.
Then the new (QFS) Quantum Financial System will be activated and made public. 100% secured, blockchain and un-hackable. Everything will be crypto and backed by metals like gold and silver. All debts will be abolished.
This is the good Global Reset from the good guys. Everything will be better and safer than before.
Do not worry at all.
All the evils have surrendered and been taken care of.
All corrupt Deep-State corporations will be terminated.
Every company and individuals that took part in the globalists' evil COVID and vaccines plan will be arrested and lots will be accused of crimes against humanity.
MASSIVE amounts of arrests will be made during this time by the military worldwide.
We are entering a new golden era. 1,000 years of prosperity on earth. Nothing like we have NEVER seen before. You are witnessing the biggest transfer of wealth and power in human history.
Thousands of hidden inventions will be revealed publicly that will revolutionize every industry. Med beds will be deployed worldwide for fast healing. Free energy will be available for all to use. Better nutrition, better and faster transports, etc. Everything will change in an incredibly positive way.
Welcome to our New 5D World. See you on the other side. God bless you all.
Stay calm.
Do not fear.
Good ones in control.
Where We Go 1 We Go All. GOD WON!
Elaine Bayer/ Auktje Veldhuis