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Global Currency Reset:
The Quantum Financial System is Live! BRICS, the US Note and other World Currencies were now Gold/Asset-Backed! …Charlie Ward, official Spokesperson for the GCR.
On Thurs. 27 Oct funding from Dubai 2 would be released, making it a “go” for Tier 4B (Us, the Internet Group) to set exchange and redemption appointments. …A High Up Contact
On Thurs. 20 Oct. The Quantum Financial System went Live, the Green Light was given for release of QFS liquidity, and release of funding from Dubai 1 began. …Frm, A High Up Contact
On Fri. 21 Oct. the BRICs Portal (of the four Quantum Financial System Portals) was turned on, allowing the Chinese Historic Bonds to be paid out in full. …Charlie Ward, official Spokesperson for the GCR.
On Sat. 22 Oct. some Tier 3 Bonds began to go liquid.
Right now the new gold/ asset-backed USTN was in the banks and available to be distributed. …Charlie Ward, official Spokesperson for the GCR.
Cr: Dinarchronicles/Judy Byington.
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Oct 26/22.